Raymund Eich, science fiction author

Boy wearing a jetpack watching rocket launch in a green field. Combination of science fiction and Midwestern United States elements.
Rocket launch: alonesdj | depositphotos.com Boy: Deklofenak | depositphotos.com

Welcome to the home page of science fiction author Raymund Eich. You might have read my short stories in Analog or the charity anthology Surviving Tomorrow. I’m the author of The Confederated Worlds military science fiction series. The Stone Chalmers science fiction spy series. Solo novels The Reincarnation Run and Azureseas: Cantrell’s War. And many more sci fi books at all lengths: box sets, novels, short novels, and short stories.

As you might have guessed, I don’t write in one narrow niche. I follow my muse wherever it takes me. The universe is a big place and my stories and novels reflect that. The menu bar and the site search box can help you find books that fit your interests. You’re also welcome to scroll and click around. You never know what you might find.

If you’d like to sample a lot of my books for a low price, check out this bundle of eight of my science fiction books for only $14.99.

Despite the range of sci fi books I write, there is a common ground to most of the stories I tell. The image up there of the boy watching a rocket launch from farmland conveys part of it. Also, the concept “from Middle America across the Universe” conveys part of it too. To summarize, most of my novels and stories are about good people trying to do the right thing.

That said, doing the right thing might still be challenge. Sometimes, my characters don’t succeed. For some of them, the good starts out buried pretty deep and they’re antiheroes until they realize they have to change their ways. But most of them know the right thing, and most of them try to do it.

Sadly, it seems too many science fiction authors these days fail to write books like that.

If books and stories about mostly good people doing mostly good things appeal to you, you’ve come to the right place.

Coming in 2024 – A Science Fiction Trilogy


This fall, I’m releasing a complete space opera trilogy! That’s a new novel every two weeks from September 30 through October 28, 2024! Click or tap the link to learn more about The Incepti Cataclysm. Special preorder and launch pricing, just $2.99 per title. But the launch pricing ends two weeks after each publication date, so don’t wait too long!

Now Available

Stealing Fire from the Gods

Cover of "Stealing Fire from the Gods: Six Speculative Fictions" by Raymund Eich

Do you only read speculative fiction that’s predictable? Filtered by sensitivity readers? Rewritten to the critical taste of a creative writing professor? Validated by a New York publisher*? Or that hits every trope, and only every trope, of one particular bookstore subcategory? Then this collection probably isn’t for you.

On the other hand, you might like speculative fiction where the author follows the muse wherever it leads him. Across time and space. Across genres and subgenres. From serious to humorous. Following characters male or female, young or middle aged, black or white.

If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, come on in.

Six Speculative Fictions

Azureseas: Cantrell’s War

Cantrell didn’t question his ‘animal control’ mission on the tropical planet of Azureseas. Then a scrap of troubling evidence came to him out of thin air. A complete novel!

A Fistful of Monopoles

The alien derelict held a fortune in magnetic monopoles. A fortune the two men agreed to split fifty-fifty. A dangerous retrieval… but Bartlett had his back.

Bodacious Ursula and the Phone Call from Hell

Old boyfriends never call. Especially when they’re twenty years dead. A contemporary fantasy about second chances and making things right.

Seven Out

Three young men. One telekinetic power. From a street craps game in the ’hood to the high-roller tables in Vegas, how far will they let it ride?

Iphigenia of Khufu

Iphigenia peeked at the docked ship. She craved an escape from the conformist culture of her home asteroid colony. But with this pilot?

Return Blessing

Living a lush life on the planet Valoduria, paid for by his father’s generosity, Jeffrey cheerfully accepted the gifts pressed on him by the planet’s insectoid aliens. Then they asked for something in return.

*New York gatekeepers aren’t all bad. Two of these stories previously appeared in Analog magazine.

Published June 24, 2024 in ebook and trade paperback. Now available at most major bookstores and direct from me at shop.raymundeich.com .

“You have so many sci fi books. Where should I start?”

If you like military science fiction, Take the Shilling is free. On top of that, the entire Confederated Worlds series is also available. Speaking of the series, Analog’s book reviewer said it was “unusual for military science fiction” by focusing on “the psychology and politics of societies in conflict.”

Alternatively, The Progress of Mankind, Stone Chalmers #1, is book one of the complete four-novel Stone Chalmers series of interstellar secret agent adventures.

On the other hand, do you like alien encounter stories? The Consortia series features high-tech humans visiting low-tech alien planets. In The False Flag War series, our heroes decode the last message of a long-dead, highly advanced alien species—and use what they learned to try saving Earth from the same fate.

Though most of what I write is science fiction, if you’re in the mood for a fantasy with a Renaissance feel and a little bit of ooh-la-la, I had a lot of fun writing stand-alone fantasy novel A Prince of the Blood.

A free sampler

Cover of

Extravehicular Activities: The Complete Short Stories 2021-2022

Yours free for joining my Readers Club!

Leave the safety of your space capsule for the dangers of billion-year old alien derelicts, intelligent insects with mysterious motives, espionage in an alternate 1920s Paris, and rogue reconstructed dinosaurs.

Includes stories Riddlepigs and the Cryla, Minnie and the Trekker, A Fistful of Monopoles, and Return Blessing, and speculative fact article The Believers Shall Inherit the Solar System, all previously published in Analog magazine!

Still can’t decide?

Check out this bundle of eight of my sci fi books for only $14.99.

Of course, you can explore my full catalog by following the links in the menu above or using the search box.

Finally, thanks for stopping by. Happy reading!

FAQ about science fiction author Raymund Eich

First off: is your name spelled correctly? And how do you pronounce it?

That’s the correct spelling, thanks to my immigrant parents. They split the difference between the Anglo-French Raymond and the German Raimund.

My last name is pronounced with a long-i vowel sound, like both syllables in Einstein. The preferred consonant sound is a sh. Overall, one syllable, eye-sh.

Tough to pronounce, and also tough to spell. For example, I’ve seen Elch, Einch, Etch, Eitch, Iech, Eric, and Erich. Thought the misspellings used to bother me, I’ve grown philosophical about them.

What are some of your publishing credits?

I’ve had six short stories published in Analog science fiction and fact magazine. Not to brag, but that’s an uncommon achievement for an indie science fiction author. My short fiction has also appeared in the sci fi anthology Surviving Tomorrow and the theme anthology Boundary Shock Quarterly #17: Dieselpunk. Plus, over a dozen of my novels and six short story collections are available as ebooks and paperback books, and some also as audiobooks.

Final question: Science fiction, sci fi, SF, speculative fiction, or spec fic?

I’ll answer with another question: Is the book or story an adventure on future Earth, an exploration of a distant planet, a discovery beyond the limits of human knowledge, or a journey across deep space? Then I’ll read it. The genre fiction label doesn’t matter.

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