Earth’s rival factions forge a wary collaboration to explore a life-bearing world orbiting Alpha Centauri.
But when explorers find powerful artifacts left by long-vanished aliens, either a lasting peace or a final, destructive conflict hang in the balance.
Exploration 2127
A mission from a divided Earth discovers signs of an ancient alien presence buried on a planet in the Alpha Centauri system.
Sent to explore, Jaeger and McIlroy, born and raised in a Texas divided by razor wire and minefields.
When they decode the message left by aliens dead over a million years, the future of the human race will change forever.
More info →Invasion 2132
A powerful alien ship. Heading to Earth. Intent unknown.
Bad: mission control lost contact with the interstellar explorers on Concordia.
Worse: mission control detects an unknown ship leaving the Alpha Centauri system. Heading to Earth at relativistic speeds. Driven by engines more potent than anything humans ever built. Silent about its purpose. Its crew unknown.
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