CV-2 Books

CV-2 Books logo

CV-2 Books is a publishing company focused on publishing books by author Raymund Eich. Currently, that means English-language ebook, trade paperback, and audiobook editions in most major markets worldwide. If you’ve found this page, you’re probably a reader, a retailer, a library, or a prospective licensee.


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About the CV-2 Books name and logo

The USS Lexington, nicknamed the “Lady Lex,” was one of the first aircraft carriers ever commissioned by the United States Navy. We adopted her hull designation, “CV-2,” as the name for our publishing company, to honor her and the crewmen who served on her. Just as the technological advance provided by the aircraft carrier revolutionized naval operations, new advances in publishing are transforming our industry, and CV-2 Books is at the forefront of these earth-shifting changes.

Our logo both honors our namesake and symbolizes our business. An ebook reader forms the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. A partially-open print book forms the ship’s hull. The progress bars of an audiobook player are represented by the twin lines on the flight deck. The ship sails toward the viewer, ready to launch books in all formats to readers worldwide.

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