
The False Flag War

The False Flag War

They came in war for all mankind.

Portia Oakeshott, Dinosaur Veterinarian

Stone Chalmers

Stone Chalmers

One man can make—or break—Earth’s iron grip on its galactic
colonies: Stone Chalmers. Spy. Assassin. Earth’s top

Stone’s missions take him through artificial wormholes and on
warpdrive ships to colonies bound to Earth—whether they like it or
Though undercover, with cover personas overlaid on his mind and
disguises engineered by nanotechnology into his bones and his cells,
Stone’s missions are never easy. In the eye of a storm of intrigue and
conspiracy, Stone’s actions make the difference in whether open
rebellion threatens the galactic order imposed by Earth…
…and threatens Earth itself.
Join Stone on his pulse-pounding adventures across a galaxy spiraling
out of control, in this complete four-novel series.

The Confederated Worlds

The Confederated Worlds

The purpose of all other combat arms is to put the infantryman in sole possession of the battlefield.

A thousand years from now, while Earth sleeps in virtual reality, three polities—the Confederated Worlds, the Unity, and the Progressive Republic—strive to connect the scattered, terraformed worlds of humankind by artificial wormholes. When they meet, they clash, in a decades-long struggle of arms embroiling the settled galaxy, in which dedication to duty liberates worlds—and oneself.

The Complete Science Fiction Stories of Raymund Eich

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