I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Before you get outside and enjoy the autumn weather, I want to give you an Escape from Conatus launch price last call. The ebook edition is still available for $2.99 in the USA or comparable prices in other countries. However, the price reverts to its regular list price of $4.99 tomorrow (Sunday, October 13, 2024).

Different bookstores implement their price reversions at different times of day – their idea, not mine – so there’s no guarantee the special launch price will still be there if you follow the link tomorrow. You might want to lock in that price by ordering today.
Ready to order? Follow these links:
If you don’t like ebooks, the trade paperback edition is also available at most online booksellers, including shop.raymundeich.com. You can also order it from your local bookshop, ISBN 978-1-952220-19-7.
As a reminder, Escape from Conatus is book 1 of the Incepti Cataclysm space opera trilogy. Click or tap the link to learn about the Big Idea behind the trilogy.
If you prefer buying a trilogy when you know it’s complete, I’ve got you covered. Books 2 and 3 are available for preorder. The ebooks have the same launch discount of $2.99 during the preorder window and for the first two weeks. Purchases and deliveries go live soon.

Revelation in Vela (book 2) goes live on October 14, 2024. Wait, that’s Monday!

Victory for Carina (book 3) goes live on October 28, 2024. Only about two weeks away!