Hi everyone, just a quick note about book 1 of the Incepti Cataclysm space opera trilogy. Escape from Conatus soon goes live, in both ebook and print editions around the world on Monday, September 30, 2024. If you won’t have a chance to buy it that day, you can preorder it now. The ebook has a special launch price, US $2.99 or equivalent, good through October 13. Click or tap the link above to learn more.
Ready to order? Follow these links:
shop.raymundeich.com (paperback)
Not sure yet? I understand.
A great cover, an interesting title for this novel and for the trilogy, but what’s under the hood?
If that’s where you’re coming from, try before you buy: you can read the opening chapters of Escape from Conatus in a recent blog post.
Ok, I like the sample I read, but this is book 1 of a trilogy, right? I’ve been burned before by series that start well but are never finished.
I know some of you hold off on buying book 1 of a trilogy until after all the books are released. Fortunately, books 2 and 3 are now available for preorder:

Revelation in Vela will publish on October 14, 2024.

Victory for Carina will publish on October 28, 2024.
Both books have the same special launch ebook price as Escape from Conatus: US $2.99 for preorders and the first two weeks after publication. Sample chapters and more information for both are coming soon.
Happy reading!