My Detcon1 Schedule

I’ll be attending Detcon1, this year’s NASFiC, next Thursday and Friday, July 17-18. (Yes, July 17 will be a busy day for me). Here’s my schedule. Hope to see you!

Thursday, 17 July
Reading: Daniel/Eich/Thyer
Joliet A
Tracks: Literature
Types: Reading
Raymund Eich, Matthew Alan Thyer, Tony Daniel

Tony Daniel, Raymund Eich, and Matthew Alan Thyer read from their work.

Future of Sports: SF vs Reality
Nicolet A
Tracks: Literature
Types: Panel
Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Raymund Eich, Dave Hogg

There has been a great deal of SF written about futuristic sports. How do existing SF ideas of sport correspond with the direction that things are actually taking?

Friday, 18 July
Patent Law 101
Tracks: Maker
Types: Lecture
Raymund Eich

Scientists and engineers, ever wonder about the things your organization’s patent staff asks you to do? If working solo, ever wonder about whether to pursue patents on your ideas in the first place? A registered patent agent will lead you through brief introduction to patent law, followed by an active learning session about writing a patent application and dealing with the US patent office. (Limited Seating)
ROI: Do We Still Go to Space if It Won’t Pay?
Mackinac West

Cindy A. Matthews (Cynthianna) (moderator), Laurie Gailunas, Raymund Eich, Ian Randal Strock, Sean Mead

SF writers such as Charles Stross and Bruce Sterling have suggested that space colonies will never be able to pay their way. Is there any other reason to establish a space colony? If so, how would these colonies differ from the mining and trading colonies most often seen in SF?

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