Thank you, readers

I’m flattered to have such incredible fans of Operation Iago, the Confederated Worlds series, and all my science fiction stories and novels.
That’s why I want to offer you a little something extra.

Some of you reading Operation Iago have already reached chapter 2. If that’s you, you might recognize the image below the fold.

It’s a map I sketched when thinking through Tomas’ options after the platoon left the town of Navarre to investigate the Progressive Republic (PR) landing in the Sycorax Hills.op-iago-sycorax-hills-enhancedIf you want to know what happens during that mission, keep reading.

Don’t yet own Operation Iago?

Electronic edition available for US$6.99 or equivalent from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Smashwords, and other sellers.

Paperback edition available for US$16.99 or equivalent from all better booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I could say more, but I want to get back to work on A Bodyguard of Lies (The Confederated Worlds, Book 3)!

Quick note: this blog post may look familiar to my mailing list subscribers. It was one of those exclusive bonuses my mailing list subscribers received about Operation Iago before anyone else.

You can get similar bonus content about my next books, as well as a free science fiction story, by subscribing now. Go to the orange box to the upper right, or, follow the instructions, and you’ll be on your way!



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