“Take the Shilling” in CYBORG CITY ebook bundle – preorder now – on sale September 29, 2017

Ebook bundles are a great way to find new authors in genres you love. My novel Take the Shilling will be part of the Cyborg City ebook bundle (Amazon, Kobo, and more presale links at Bundlerabbit). That’s 11 exciting science fiction stories for just $3.99! Here’s the full list of titles.

– “T.I.N. Men” by Russ Crossley
– “Club Anyone” by Lou Agresta
– “Take the Shilling” by Raymund Eich
– “Technological Angel” by Barbara G.Tarn
– “Walking on a Sea of Clouds” by Gray Rinehart
– “Demon Days” by Carl S. Plumer
– “Coffee Cup Dreams (A Redpoint One Romance)” by J.A. Marlow
– “Inside the Sphere” by M. L. Buchman
– “Imposters” by Blaze Ward
– “Programmed for Danger” by Karen McCullough
– “The Suit” by David Sloma


Go to your preferred ebookseller to preorder now or buy on September 29. Enjoy!

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